A dash of fun for professionals–the art of the exclamation point!

This month, I aspire to make professional jargon and buzzword*-filled language more human.  Yes, that’s an oxymoron in action.
[*as I noted before, there’s a difference between buzzwords and fuzzy concepts; professional jargon falls under that distinction too.   They can be one in the same if you, like I now and then, might be unfamiliar with them.]

I’ll say this: Few things freshen up professional jargon like superlatives and exclamation points make any upcoming meeting that much more exciting.

I recently finished the following:

“Ian Tran brings strategic planning, research, insight, and implementation experience for sustainable viability, brand, operational outreach and marketing in addition to a breadth of educational background to the team with a splash of spirit from the Great Lakes Bioregion!” (yes, I really wrote that for part of my professional bio: http://worldbycycle.com/team/ )

That bio was challenge for me to write–it almost spurred an existential crisis.  I had to present myself to both corporate professionals and educators/community based groups while embodying the spirit of adventure that we explore in presenting our work.

Try it at your own workplace!  Here are a few examples with exclamation points to get you started!

Coming soon as event invitations:

“Excellent ITS Customer Service Form Meeting!!!”


“Adventuresome ITS Potluck Meeting!”

What we communicate remains important, but sometimes the only thing gets through is the passion or character that that brings what we say together.  Until I’m comfortable with articulating information to all relevant audiences, I’ll lean on passion.


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